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Web Design Masterclass
Welcome to the Web Design Masterclass (4:55)
Fundamentals (23:05)
Certification (0:32)
Project 1: Ace
Introduction (1:00)
Brief (6:10)
Wireframes (30:03)
Inspiration (22:35)
Fonts and Colors (17:10)
Images (14:11)
Concept A (46:58)
Concept B (49:38)
Concept C - Setup / Hero / 3D Assets (46:29)
Concept C - Hero / AI Images (33:33)
Concept C - Body (50:38)
Refine (29:07)
Navigation (16:47)
Case Study (28:37)
Responsiveness (38:48)
Summary (0:28)
Figma Project File
🎓 Your Certification Assignment
Project 2: STUGA
Brief (33:52)
Inspiration (50:23)
Wireframes (10:35)
Hero (96:19)
Adventures (31:10)
Our Community (34:47)
Our Commitments (19:27)
Blog (20:01)
Footer (22:22)
Refine (45:08)
About (35:58)
Hosts (21:58)
Summary (0:20)
Figma Project File
🎨 Your Design Assignment
Project 3: Blondies
Introduction (1:26)
Audit (7:28)
Color (5:07)
Guides (9:47)
Hero (17:43)
Menu (23:33)
Gallery (8:14)
Reviews (5:39)
Videos (9:40)
Locations (10:13)
Footer (16:27)
Refine (26:37)
Conclusion (0:42)
Figma Project File
🎨 Your Design Assignment
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